Carbohydrate reduction for metabolic disease is distinct from the ketogenic diet for epilepsy
Submitted: 24 December 2023 | Published: 29 April 2024
About the author(s)
Matthew Calkins, Atrium One Health Ketomedicine Clinic, Rural Hall, United States of AmericaLaura Buchanan, Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss, Tappan, United States of America
Tro Kalayjian, Dr. Tro’s Medical Weight Loss, Tappan, United States of America
David Dikeman, Baylor University, Waco, United States of America
Mark Cucuzzella, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, West Virginia University, Shepherdstown, United States of America
Eric Westman, Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Duke University Ketomedicine Clinic, Durham, United States of America
Recent reviews of using therapeutic carbohydrate reduction to treat metabolic disease in paediatric patients have consistently made errors in the form of bias against recommending this nutrient-dense eating pattern despite strong evidence for its use in adults and emerging evidence in paediatric patients. The purpose of this perspective is to review these errors, which include conflating 4:1 ketogenic diets with well-formulated ketogenic diets and the needless medicalisation of using therapeutic carbohydrate reduction in paediatric populations.
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